Zorro - Show & Performance Record
February 25, 2023 - Zorro (and his new friend Zira) posing with his New Champion rosette from the APRI shows in Harrisonville, MO.
February 25, 2023 - Candids from the show ring at the APRI shows in Harrisonville, MO
December 28, 2022 - Zorro's certificates from the Virtual Dog Show Year End Invitational. He won BOB and GRP3 in the Baby Puppy class, BOB and GRP2 in the Novice Puppy class, 5th place in the Pets & Props novelty class, and 4th place in the Naughty & Nice novelty class!
November 1, 2022 - Zorro's invitation certificates for the 2022 VDS Year End Qualifier virtual show. He ended the year as #1 Baby Puppy and #1 Novice Puppy Siberian!
September 1, 2022 - Themed photos and title certificate for Zorro's A+ (Teacher's Pet) specialty title from DMWYD. He is the first Siberian ever to earn it, and the 20th dog of any breed to do so!
July 21, 2022 - Zorro's virtual certificates from the VDS-14 virtual dog show, hosted by Sarah Beurkens and Tina Chase. He did great, winning Group 1sts in the Baby and Novice Puppy divisions and RWD in the regular classes! He also earned his BP-HVBGCH and NP-HVSGCH!
May 5, 2022 - Zorro's virtual certificates from the VDS-13 virtual dog show, hosted by Sarah Beurkens and Tina Chase. He did great, winning Group 1sts in the Baby and Novice Puppy divisions as well as another point toward his HVCH! He also earned his BP-HVGCH and NP-HVBGCH!
February 20, 2022 - Zorro's virtual ribbons from the VDS group's Drago Medical Fundraiser fun match. He won 4th Place Black and White Photo and 3rd Place Flower Child.
February 2, 2022 - Zorro's NP-HVGCH certificate from VDS-12, hosted by Sarah Beurkens and Tina Chase. He did very well, earning a Baby Puppy GRP2, a Novice Puppy RBIS, and Winners Dog in the regular classes!
December 11, 2021 - Zorro's RATI certificate, earned at the Barn Hunt trial in McKinney, TX
November 24, 2021 - Three happy dogs (from left to right: Shiva, Kodi, and Zorro) after finishing a 5k walk for the AKC Humane Fund's first annual Turkey Trot.
November 21, 2021 - Win photo from Sunday, November 21st at the Chickasha, OK cluster. Zorro went WD (only male) and BOW from the 6-9 Puppy class for his first AKC point! He also earned another point toward his POA, leaving him at 4/10 currently.
Thank you to Judge Dr. Donald Gill, and congratulations to the other winners!
Thank you to Judge Dr. Donald Gill, and congratulations to the other winners!
November 1, 2021 - Zorro's BP-HVCH and NP-HVCH certificates from VDS-11, hosted by Sarah Beurkens and Tina Chase. He did great in his first ever virtual show, earning a Northern Group 2nd in both the Baby and Novice Puppy divisions!
October 24, 2021 - Zorro and Shiva pictured after competing at the Heart of Oklahoma KC shows in Shawnee, OK. Zorro finished his very last baby puppy show with a 4-6 Working Group 2!
October 10, 2021 - Zorro finished strong at the Oklahoma American Eskimo Dog Club (OAEDC) shows, ending Sunday Show #2 with another Best Puppy In Show under Judge Stan Matsumoto! He also made the final cut for Best of the Best under Judges Stan Matsumoto, Roland Pelland, and Lori Sargent (pictured), which was an incredible honor for him being such a young dog!
October 9, 2021 - Zorro attended the Oklahoma American Eskimo Dog Club (OAEDC) UKC shows in Norman, OK. He started the weekend with a bang, winning Best Puppy In Show for Show #1 under Judge Lori Sargent! He also made the first cut for BPIS during Show #2, but was not the judge's choice that time.
September 23, 2021 - Zorro's title certificates this month: Virtual Home Manners Puppy and Adult, and Trick Dog Novice!
September 18, 2021 - Zorro attended his first 4-6 Beginner Puppy competition at the Panhandle Kennel Club of TX show in Amarillo, TX. He started his show career in style, winning BOB and GRP1 under Judge Linda Clark! He also earned 2 points toward his Puppy of Achievement (POA).
August 29, 2021 - Kodi, Shiva, and Zorro earned their Triple Threat (T3) titles today. It is the newest specialty title from Do More With Your Dog, and involves walking a 3k (1.86 miles), doing 3 minutes of stretches, and 3 bursts of high-energy activity (running, jumping, etc.)
August 28, 2021 - Zorro walked a 2k (1.24 miles) today in order to earn his 2K9 title from DMWYD!
July 29, 2021 - Zorro's certificates for his NTD and CCF1 titles from Do More With Your Dog. These were his 3rd and 4th performance titles, earned at just 13 weeks old!
July 13, 2021 - Zorro's photos and certificates from the DMWYD Summer Scavenger Hunt (SSH) and Summer of Ruff (SOR) specialty titles. These are his first 2 titles, earned at only 11 weeks old!