Shiva - More Photos
October 13, 2024 - Enjoying a nice fall afternoon, 5 years and 10 months old.
December 9, 2022 - Shiva in the customary "bark-day hat," in celebration of her 4th birthday.
December 5, 2022 - The Three Amigos, reunited. (Shiva and Zorro immediately played in the mud.)
December 4, 2022 - On the way home from Minnesota, and relaxing on the bed at my mom's house before heading home the next morning.
December 4, 2022 - The moment Shiva and I saw each other again, 5:15am in St. Cloud, MN.
November 14, 2022 - Shiva having fun in the play yard at her breeders' home in MN, 2 weeks before coming home.
July 10, 2022 - Shiva playing in the summer sun at her breeders' home in Minnesota, 3 weeks after the birth of her litter. Look at that smile - she's always a happy girl!
June 19, 2022 - Ad and pedigree for Shiva's one and only litter, sired by CH Kansa Betcha By Golly Wow AOM "Deeks." There were 3 pups: 1 b&w male, 1 b&w female, and 1 g&w female. The male sadly passed within his first week of life, and the females were sold to pet homes by his co-breeders.
May 22, 2022 - Shiva at 3.5 years old in summer coat, taken with her breeders in Minnesota.
April 1, 2022 - Shiva relaxing in her crate after a bath and strutting her stuff in the yard, the day before she left to visit her breeders in Minnesota.
January 16, 2022 - Shiva enjoying a chilly January day.
November 21, 2021 - Headshots of Shiva, taken by Sarah Hoke at the Chickasha, OK show.
October 15, 2021 - Relaxing on the back patio with Zorro, who is now almost as big as her.
October 5, 2021 - Striking a pose while enjoying the fall weather.
July 31, 2021 - Kodi, Shiva, and Zorro taking a well-deserved rest at the end of a busy weekend.
July 28, 2021 - Shiva feeling pretty after her pre-show mani/pedi and paw trim.
July 24, 2021 - 3 happy dogs in their outdoor play pen. Zorro decided to take a dip in the water bucket, and was very proud of himself.
February 26, 2021 - Gaiting out in the snow. I adore this girl's beautiful, effortless movement; she just floats over the ground!
December 24, 2020 - Kodi and Shiva posing in front of the tree on Christmas Eve.
December 9, 2020 - This little diva isn't so little anymore. Happy 2nd birthday, Shiva, and here's to many, many more!
December 1, 2020 - 1 week shy of 2 years old
June 2020 - 18 months old
April 2020 - 16 months old
February 2020 - Demonstrating some new tricks - "Downward Dog" and "Pick A Card"
February 5, 2020 - Playing outside during a rare Oklahoma snowfall (14 months old). Love this girl's length of leg and effortless single-tracking!
December 31, 2019 - Ringing in the New Year! Here's to a fantastic 2020!
November 2019 - Shiva and Kodi modeling their Ninja Dog gear (left) and demonstrating how they love to get squeaky clean as part of a ninja trick routine (right).
November 8, 2019 - 11 months old
October 31, 2019 - Shiva showing off her Halloween costume for this year: "Shiva The Queen Bee-va."
September 7, 2019 - 2 days shy of 9 months old
June 8, 2019 - 6 months old
June 1, 2019 - Shiva at 27 weeks old. Perfect single-tracking and effortless, light-footed movement!
May 16, 2019 - Shiva at 5 1/2 months old, out playing in the dog yard at my apartment complex. Even going through a bit of the "puppy ganglies" she still keeps that gorgeous free-stack and single tracking!
May 6, 2019 - Shiva the Diva looking cute in her barkday hat and beads, in celebration of her "other mother" Robin's birthday!
May 1, 2019 - Shiva at 20 weeks, free-stacking during a walk at home. I love her front angles and proportions! (Her rear is a little wonky right now, but that's to be expected with puppies this age.)
Some nice free stacks out in the yard at 18 weeks old
April 26, 2019 - "Shiva the Diva" was recently selected to participate in a free photo shoot for Suzy McCracken, a pet photographer down in Edmond, OK who was searching for puppy models to build her portfolio. Below are a few of the shots, taken at just 18 weeks of age. Shiva had a blast, and Suzy took some absolutely stunning shots! I highly recommend her to anyone in the OK area!
Head studies of Shiva at 17 weeks old. This girl is so beautifully expressive!
April 11, 2019 - Posing on the table (and being silly) at 16 weeks old
15 weeks old
14 weeks old
11 weeks old
10 weeks old - first table grooming session
February 9, 2019 - Shiva at 9 weeks old, looking lovelier by the day and already developing the same love of chew bones her mother Jules has.
February 6, 2019 - In just 2 days Shiva was already feeling at home, and learning where all the best toys were.
February 5, 2019 - Meeting Kodi, the reigning prince of the house. He fell in love with her immediately.
February 4, 2019 - Shiva's first night home, on the day she turned 8 weeks old.
January 20, 2018 - 6 Weeks Old
January 7, 2019 29 Days Old
December 26, 2018 - 17 Days Old
December 22, 2018 - 13 Days Old
December 15, 2018 - 6 days old w/brother "Posh" and co-breeder/co-mom Robin Malchow
Kodivaro Siberians