Sports and Titles Open To Greyhounds
Here is a list of all the sports I know of which are open to Greyhounds in the USA and Canada (this includes virtual titles in both countries, as well as some online events based in the UK). If you are interested in watching or participating in any of these activities, Click Here to be taken to AKC's Events Calendar, which can be narrowed down by sport, state(s), and/or participating breeds, and Click Here to be taken to UKC's Events Calendar.
You can also click on the organization names below to be taken to their websites. Organization names followed by the symbol (I) offer in-person competitions, while those followed by (V) offer virtual titles. Those labeled (IV) offer both.
AAC (Agility Association of Canada) (I): Agility
ADP (All Dogs Parkour) (V): Canine Parkour
AKC (American Kennel Club) (IV): Agility, Canine Good Citizen, Coursing Ability Test, Dock Diving, Farm Dog Test, Fast CAT, Obedience, Lure Coursing, Rally Obedience, Scent Work, Temperament Tests, Therapy Dog, Tracking, Trick Dog
ASCA (Australian Shepherd Club of America) (I): Agility (open to all breeds)
ATTS (American Temperament Test Society) (I): Temperament Testing
BHA (Barn Hunt Association) (I): Barn Hunt (AKC-recognized)
CDSP (Companion Dog Sports Program) (V): Obedience, Rally Obedience
CHUK (Canine Hoopers UK) (IV): Hoopers (agility-type sport using hoops)
CKC (Canadian Kennel Club) (I): Agility, Canine Good Neighbor, Chase Ability Tests, Dock Diving, Lure Coursing, Obedience, Rally Obedience, Scent Detection, Sprinting, Therapy Dog, Tracking
CPE (Canine Performance Events) (I): Agility
CRO (Cyber Rally-O) (V): Rally Obedience
DD (Dock Dogs) (I): Dock Diving (UKC recognized)
DMWYD (Do More With Your Dog) (IV): Trick Dog, Canine Conditioning, Stunt Dog, Specialty Titles
DPUK (Dog Parkour UK) (V): Canine Parkour
GPS (GeoPup Sports) (V): Geocaching (outdoor scavenger hunt) titles
ICE (International Canine Events Events) (IV): Canine Ninja (Parkour),Dog-A-Cise (Canine Conditioning), ICE Got Talent (Trick Dog)
IWPA (International Weight Pull Association) (I): Weight Pull
MUTD (Maslow's University of Talented Dogs) (V): Trick Dog
NAC (North American Canicross) (IV): Canicross
NADAC (North American Dog Agility Council) (I): Agility
NADD (North America Diving Dogs) (I): Dock Diving (AKC/CKC-recognized)
NAFA (North American Flyball Association) (I): Flyball
NC0 (Non-Competitive Obedience Association) (V): Obedience, Tracking
OD (Outdoor Dog) (V): Outdoor Activities Titling Program (Swimming, Hiking, Camping, Backpacking, etc.)
PSA (Pet Star Academy) (V): Canine Parkour, Canine Conditioning/Fitness, Canine Manners (Good Citizen), Trick Dog
RF (Rally-FrEe) (V): Rally Obedience, Musical Freestyle
UFLI (United Flyball League International) (I): Flyball
UKC (United Kennel Club) (I): Agility, Barn Hunt, Coursing Aptitude Test, Dock Jumping, Farm Dog Certification, Lure Coursing, Nosework, Obedience, Precision Coursing, Rally Obedience, SPOT (Socialized Pet Obedience Test), Weight Pull
USDAA (United States Dog Agility Association) (I): Agility
You can also click on the organization names below to be taken to their websites. Organization names followed by the symbol (I) offer in-person competitions, while those followed by (V) offer virtual titles. Those labeled (IV) offer both.
AAC (Agility Association of Canada) (I): Agility
ADP (All Dogs Parkour) (V): Canine Parkour
AKC (American Kennel Club) (IV): Agility, Canine Good Citizen, Coursing Ability Test, Dock Diving, Farm Dog Test, Fast CAT, Obedience, Lure Coursing, Rally Obedience, Scent Work, Temperament Tests, Therapy Dog, Tracking, Trick Dog
ASCA (Australian Shepherd Club of America) (I): Agility (open to all breeds)
ATTS (American Temperament Test Society) (I): Temperament Testing
BHA (Barn Hunt Association) (I): Barn Hunt (AKC-recognized)
CDSP (Companion Dog Sports Program) (V): Obedience, Rally Obedience
CHUK (Canine Hoopers UK) (IV): Hoopers (agility-type sport using hoops)
CKC (Canadian Kennel Club) (I): Agility, Canine Good Neighbor, Chase Ability Tests, Dock Diving, Lure Coursing, Obedience, Rally Obedience, Scent Detection, Sprinting, Therapy Dog, Tracking
CPE (Canine Performance Events) (I): Agility
CRO (Cyber Rally-O) (V): Rally Obedience
DD (Dock Dogs) (I): Dock Diving (UKC recognized)
DMWYD (Do More With Your Dog) (IV): Trick Dog, Canine Conditioning, Stunt Dog, Specialty Titles
DPUK (Dog Parkour UK) (V): Canine Parkour
GPS (GeoPup Sports) (V): Geocaching (outdoor scavenger hunt) titles
ICE (International Canine Events Events) (IV): Canine Ninja (Parkour),Dog-A-Cise (Canine Conditioning), ICE Got Talent (Trick Dog)
IWPA (International Weight Pull Association) (I): Weight Pull
MUTD (Maslow's University of Talented Dogs) (V): Trick Dog
NAC (North American Canicross) (IV): Canicross
NADAC (North American Dog Agility Council) (I): Agility
NADD (North America Diving Dogs) (I): Dock Diving (AKC/CKC-recognized)
NAFA (North American Flyball Association) (I): Flyball
NC0 (Non-Competitive Obedience Association) (V): Obedience, Tracking
OD (Outdoor Dog) (V): Outdoor Activities Titling Program (Swimming, Hiking, Camping, Backpacking, etc.)
PSA (Pet Star Academy) (V): Canine Parkour, Canine Conditioning/Fitness, Canine Manners (Good Citizen), Trick Dog
RF (Rally-FrEe) (V): Rally Obedience, Musical Freestyle
UFLI (United Flyball League International) (I): Flyball
UKC (United Kennel Club) (I): Agility, Barn Hunt, Coursing Aptitude Test, Dock Jumping, Farm Dog Certification, Lure Coursing, Nosework, Obedience, Precision Coursing, Rally Obedience, SPOT (Socialized Pet Obedience Test), Weight Pull
USDAA (United States Dog Agility Association) (I): Agility